The One Advantage Every Importer Should Have

The One Advantage Every Importer Should Have

Have you heard of Gary Halbert? The late Gary Halbert was a legendary direct response marketer and copywriter. And his advice was always straight to the point … and deadly accurate with his ideas. Gary would occasionally run classes on writing sales copy. And he’d...
A Practical Way to turn the 80/20 Formula Into Money

A Practical Way to turn the 80/20 Formula Into Money

I’m sure you’ve heard of the 80/20 rule. It goes along the lines of 80% of anything comes from your top 20% of something. 80% of the world’s wealth is held by 20% of the people. 80% of the results in a business come from just 20% of the people. 80% of the things...
The 2 essential ingredients of a high profit website

The 2 essential ingredients of a high profit website

I see a lot of websites. Seriously, a LOT of websites. And you know what? Nearly all of them fail this basic test. What test? What happens when someone goes to your site and they don’t buy anything or contact you? Well duh… they leave. Yes, that’s exactly the problem....
The absolute fastest way to get new business

The absolute fastest way to get new business

In 1869 a Baptist minister gave a speech which has been hailed as one of the most important speeches of all time. The speech was called ‘Acres Of Diamonds’ and the speaker was Russell Conwell. It was such a breakthrough for so many people that before his death in 1925...

Referrals – you’re doing it wrong

It’s amazing how much advice there is out there about getting referrals. And scary how much of it is dead wrong. Well, technically it’s not wrong, It’s just very misguided. It treats getting referrals as a one step process where you ask your clients for referrals –...